Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching underpins the work of our school and the principles are interwoven within our curriculum and wider school life.
Catholic Social Teaching is rooted in Scripture and it provides us with guidance on how we can live out our faith as followers of Christ in our local, national and global community. The Pope guides us in how we can apply the scripture to our modern day lives and how the Church can respond to the challenges we face in our modern world. Pope Francis shared his own thoughts in his encyclicals 'Laudato Si' (2015) and 'Fratelli Tutti' (2020).
At St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School and Nursery, we work with CAFOD to develop our knowledge and understanding of how we can best engage in CST. We have also worked closely with Cardinal Newman Secondary School to align our principles.
We have ensured that the Catholic Social Teaching principles link closely to our Mission Statement and continue to develop the links with our school curriculum.
We teach our children to be thoughtful about and challenging of the world’s organisations and communities, we must work together to build a better world for the future.
The following video is useful to watch to become familiar with the seven principles:
Catholic Social Teaching in 3 minutes | CAFOD (
Parent information on CST can be found here:
7 Catholic social teaching principles (
The school follows Rooted in Love programme from Caritas to help children in their understanding and their journey with Catholic Social Teaching.
Rooted in Love is a Religious Education resource for primary schools, developed in partnership with the Diocese of Westminster Education Service. It addresses the objectives relating to Catholic Social teaching from the new Religious Education Directory, including prayer and liturgy ideas relating to the themes as well as suggestions for bringing this work to life in the Catholic life and mission of the school.
Each half-term the children from Early Years to year 6 learn about a different Catholic Social Teaching theme.